What I Built

I built doorknocker, a web app that, given a resume, cover letter, and job description, will write cover letters for you. The app stores none of your personal data (maybe your PDF resume until garbage collection gets around to clearing it from memory).

Why I Built It

It feels like every time I open LinkedIn, another long-tenured professional announces that they're looking for new work. I made the same post in July 2023. For at least as long as I've been in the labor market, those of us in tech have felt, if not invincible to, then at least insulated from economic temper tantrums, We're important, after all; we build the apps, manage the headcount, devise the strategies. Why would we ever get cut?

After two years and some change of worker power driving good changes to white-collar work, the pendulum seems to be swinging away from us. One of the primary drivers, I've come to understand from numerous, almost schadenfreude-laden articles, is artificial intelligence. After all, if ChatGPT can deliver code of varying levels of quality, write proposals for new projects, and fulfill similar white-collar tasks, why maintain a full tech team?

AI is a tool. The company you're applying to is using it. Why shouldn't you?

Competition's pretty fierce for new roles as of when I'm writing this post, especially in the remote work space. I built this tool to, hopefully, give job seekers a new tool in their tool-belt in trying to find new work.